Compare Why Unified®  to other  “Amazon Automation” alternatives.

See how Why Unified® compares to the competition  and gives enables sellers to unlock selling trusted brands like Starbucks® on Amazon®.


Select stock-market brands like Starbucks®


Connect your seller account to Why Unified®


One click: list on marketplaces like Amazon®


Built-in Demand: Shoppers are already searching


Hands-free selling: Earn up to 70% from sales

Start selling with Kevin O’Leary

that supports branded franchises.

Join familiar names that support branded franchises because it enables entrepreneurs to start without the typical risk and investment.

Achieve investor-like profitability but without: the same risks.
Achieve investor-like profitability but without: 
the same risks.
Why Unified® sellers achieve investor-level profitability: they don’t invest in the stock. They sell the products already proven by the stock market.
Why Unified® sellers achieve investor-level profitability: they don’t invest in the stock. They sell the products already proven by the
stock market.
Connect your seller account: and access “hands-free” selling.
Connect your seller account with Why Unified® and unlock exclusive rights to sell licensed “gated” products with built-in demand on marketplaces.
Built-in demand: Start selling brands that shoppers are already searching.
Millions of shoppers are already searching for the brands you’ll be selling — piggyback on the built-in demand from both brands and marketplaces.
Built-in demand: Start selling brands that shoppers are already searching.
Millions of shoppers are already searching for the brands you’ll be selling — piggyback on the built-in demand from both brands and marketplaces.
You’re not the profit margin:
Start small and grow on demand.

Competitors call you “partners” with a price tag upwards of $100K – you are the profit margin. Why Unified® plans start at as low as $7,000 per year.

AI-Powered Platform Seller Platform: Managed by Ex-Amazon® engineers.
Competitors typically have overseas teams to manage seller accounts. Why Unified® is driven by AI-powered machine learning models and Ex-Amazon Engineers that adjust its actions based on real-time data to meet projected targets.
Designed for winning sellers in mind: Keep 100% of sales: no profit sharing.
Competitors take up to 50% of your profits. Why Unified® earns from partner kickbacks: it doesn’t take profits from its sellers.

Start selling brands instantly: Activate listings in  7 days – not 3 months.

Competitors take up to “3 months” to launch stores because they need to “research products” to start selling. Why Unified® activates seller stores within 7 days.

Start selling on every marketplace: Diversify, limit risk & increase sales.

Plans & Pricing

Competitors only let you sell on specific marketplaces like Amazon® and don’t support other marketplaces like Walmart®. Why Unified® sellers can diversify and instantly sell on every marketingplace that’s supported.

Unlock “competition-free” products with billions in sales over decades.
Competitors typically only support selling saturated products that others are already selling. Why Unified® unlocks the same advantage 6-figure sellers have: selling products that are “competition-free” and require marketplace approval.

Cross international borders instantly: Sell in un-tapped markets

Competitors don’t have the logistical ability to sell across borders. Why Unified® unlocks international markets with built-in demand.
Pay as you sell model: without required “up-front inventory investments”
Competitors typically require a $50,000 inventory investment for the “best margins” on products. Why Unified® has a “pay as you sell” model.

Investor-like guarantee backed by: billion dollar markets.

Plans & Pricing

Competitors have guarantees: but if they close their doors it’s worth nothing. Why Unified® has a guarantee based on predicted revenue; we didn’t become a top-50 company by giving refunds.
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Big shoutout for supports you to get into selling brands everywhere
Achieve investor-like profitability but without: the same risks.
Achieve investor-like profitability but without: 
the same risks.
Why Unified® sellers achieve investor-level profitability: they don’t invest in the stock. They sell the products already proven by the stock market.
Why Unified® sellers achieve investor-level profitability: they don’t invest in the stock. They sell the products already proven by the
stock market.

Manufacturer-level profit margins: Skip the middle-man.

Competitors are often “middle-men” and you’re their profit margin.   Why Unified® gives you access to manufacturer-level margins investors typically only get access too so you can take your share off the top.



Sell price

Profit margin

sales channel













Sell without the risk: Why Unified® Platform Guarantee

Plans & Pricing

Competitors know fees and shipping eat your profit margin. Why Unified® reduces seller fees, ships orders for as little as $1.30* per shipment, and maximizes profitability.

Compare Why Unified® to outdated “done for you” alternatives.

Based on your current channels and new channels, we predict that your
sales will increase by 68% within 2 months which means you will save 6 months of time to achieve the same results.

Logo Traditional Solutions
Inc. 5000 Company
Large Up-front Investment tick
Credit Score Requirement tick
FCompetition-free Product tick
Time To store launch tick
Fast approval process tick
Fast approval process tick
See how Why Unified® compares: we’re unmatched. Why Unified® sellers win because the platform predicts the next best selling decision for them.


Inc. 5000 Company

Large Up-front Investment

Credit Score Requirement

Competition-Free Product

Time To Launch

Real-time Monitoring

Supports 500+ Products

$50K Inventory Investment

Predictable Returns

Profit Sharing

Multi-Marketplace Support

Sell Internationally

Manufacturer-Level Margins

Build your Why Unified® Plan: become the stock
Build your Why Unified® Plan
Make the move: become the stock
Choose your goals: then get matched based on real-time insights with the plan to sell †competition-free on billion dollar marketplaces.
Choose your goals: get matched with the plan to sell competition-free brands on marketplaces.

Step 1

Select your yearly sales goal.

Select your yearly selling sales goal.