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See how Why Unified® compares to the competition and gives enables sellers to unlock selling trusted brands like Starbucks® on Amazon®.
Select stock-market brands like Starbucks®
Connect your seller account to Why Unified®
One click: list on marketplaces like Amazon®
†Built-in Demand: Shoppers are already searching
†Hands-free selling: Earn up to 70% from sales
Competitors call you “partners” with a price tag upwards of $100K – you are the profit margin. Why Unified® plans start at as low as $7,000 per year.
Start selling brands instantly: Activate listings in 7 days – not 3 months.
Start selling on every marketplace: Diversify, limit risk & increase sales.
Plans & Pricing
Competitors only let you sell on specific marketplaces like Amazon® and don’t support other marketplaces like Walmart®. Why Unified® sellers can diversify and instantly sell on every marketingplace that’s supported.
Investor-like guarantee backed by: billion dollar markets.
Plans & Pricing
Manufacturer-level profit margins: Skip the middle-man.
Competitors are often “middle-men” and you’re their profit margin. Why Unified® gives you access to manufacturer-level margins investors typically only get access too so you can take your share off the top.
Sell price
Profit margin
sales channel
Sell without the risk: Why Unified® Platform Guarantee
Plans & Pricing
Compare Why Unified® to outdated “done for you” alternatives.
Based on your current channels and new channels, we predict that your
sales will increase by 68% within 2 months which means you will save 6 months of time to achieve the same results.
Traditional Solutions | |
Inc. 5000 Company
$3.43/box |
Large Up-front Investment
Credit Score Requirement
FCompetition-free Product
Time To store launch
Fast approval process
Fast approval process