Why Unified® Compliance:
Designed by data-driven transparency.

Built on transparency and real-time data, Why Unified® is the first software platform to offer predictable insights through being transparent by design.


First data-driven software: data-backed franchise platform


Powered by data: transparency is the backbone of our platform


The industry shift from: uncertain eCommerce models


Full earnings claim disclosures: embedded into our business model


Risk-informed decisions: from sign-up to real-time monitoring

Why Unified® Disclosure Documents:   
fine print is not nessecary.

Why Unified® provides disclosures required by federal law and regulation, and other essential information so sellers are informed and educated.

Why Unified® FTC Business Opportunity Disclosure


Why Unified® Earnings Claims Disclosure

Why Unified® is data-driven not by accident — but by design.

Why Unified® stands apart as the first software-driven platform in the industry, offering an experience distinct from typical eCommerce models that often rely on uncertain and inconsistent models which have given the entire industry a bad name. Why Unified® is built on a foundation of solid, data-driven processes by design, providing entrepreneurs with a predictable journey that eliminates the guesswork found with other models.

Built on full disclosure: because transparency is in the numbers

Why Unified® sets clear, realistic expectations and discloses risks by using market data substantiated in our detailed earnings claims disclosure document—not ambiguous figures. Our earnings projections and performance metrics are calculated based on 100+ data sources—including real-time data, ensuring entrepreneurs have confidence in their journey.

More than disclosure: data-driven to optimize the entire selling journey.

Why Unified® not only predicts what’s likely to happen but also takes proactive steps to support entrepreneursOur platform actively suggests next steps based on live data, optimizing strategies to enhance performance, or even takes action on behalf of sellers to ensure they’re continuously progressing toward their goals. This blend of transparency and actionable intelligence empowers entrepreneurs with a roadmap and the tools they need, making Why Unified® the trusted partner.

Our platform’s commitment to transparency and data-driven decision-making goes beyond a promise to our users—it’s the very reason Why Unified® was created by design. We’re proud to be the first software platform in the industry to offer a platform guarantee for the sole purpose of being a testament to the reliability of our software model and the data behind it. 

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Duis luctus porttitor purus

Based on your current channels and new channels, we predict that your

Duis luctus porttitor purus

Based on your current channels and new channels, we predict that your