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Restaurant server earns $140,000 in profit
over one year with the Snack Store.

Terry, a former restaurant server, achieves a profit of $140,000 over the course of one year by leveraging the sales channels of Amazon®, Instagram®, and Walmart® for his Snack Store.

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Terry, a former restaurant server, sought to start a business that would provide him with more flexibility and independence. After a disappointing experience with a previous dropshipping agency that resulted in a loss of over $10,000, Terry was initially reluctant to try dropshipping again. However, his desire to establish his own Snack Store motivated him to pursue this venture.

Other Alternatives

Terry explored various agencies to assist him in starting a snack dropshipping store. However, he discovered that many of these agencies offered generic snack products that lacked popularity among consumers. Understanding that customers in the snack industry tend to purchase well-known and sought-after brands, Terry realized the need to offer products that were already established and trusted by the market.


Terry’s decision to join the Snack Store offered by Why Unified® proved to be a game-changer. This comprehensive platform provided him with a unique opportunity to offer consumers well-known brand-name snack products at significantly discounted prices, up to 70% lower than retail. By leveraging the existing popularity and trust associated with these established snack brands, Terry was able to bypass the challenges and expenses of building brand recognition from scratch.

The Snack Store’s approach resonated with Terry as it eliminated the need for extensive marketing efforts typically required to establish new brands in the market. Instead, he could focus his energy on building his store, curating an enticing collection of popular snack products that customers were already familiar with and eager to purchase at lower prices. This allowed Terry to provide exceptional value to his customers while maximizing his store’s growth potential.

By joining forces with Why Unified’s® Snack Store, Terry found a winning formula that combined brand recognition, competitive pricing, and a streamlined business model. This powerful combination propelled him to earn over $140,000 in profit over a one-year period of time.

Snack Store

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Eligible Sales Channels

Explore the historical
sales insights for Terry's store.

This chart compares average order numbers (y-axis) from a beta user in the Snack store sector, on the Amazon® sales channel, during the transition from Phase 2 to Phase 3. Phase 2 and 3 do not depict Phase 1 performance as it can vary. Data was collected quarterly over 6 to 12 months (x-axis). However, it should not be used to predict sales for Why Unified® or anticipate future outcomes. Exercise caution when interpreting the data. Please note that this chart is not a sales forecasting tool for Why Unified® and does not guarantee future outcomes. Prudent interpretation is advised.

This chart compares average order numbers (y-axis) from a beta user in the Snack store sector, on the Instagram® Ads sales channel, during the transition from Phase 2 to Phase 3. Phase 2 and 3 do not depict Phase 1 performance as it can vary. Data was collected quarterly over 6 to 12 months (x-axis). However, it should not be used to predict sales for Why Unified® or anticipate future outcomes. Exercise caution when interpreting the data. Please note that this chart is not a sales forecasting tool for Why Unified® and does not guarantee future outcomes. Prudent interpretation is advised.

This chart compares average order numbers (y-axis) from a beta user in the Snack store sector, on the Walmart® sales channel, during the transition from Phase 2 to Phase 3. Phase 2 and 3 do not depict Phase 1 performance as it can vary. Data was collected quarterly over 6 to 12 months (x-axis). However, it should not be used to predict sales for Why Unified® or anticipate future outcomes. Exercise caution when interpreting the data. Please note that this chart is not a sales forecasting tool for Why Unified® and does not guarantee future outcomes. Prudent interpretation is advised.

See which sales channels helped
Terry be more successful.

To ensure maximum visibility and tap into a wide customer base, Terry made strategic choices regarding his sales channels, selecting Amazon®, Instagram®, and Walmart®. Amazon® proved to be an ideal choice due to its existing customer base and robust demand for snack products. By offering competitive pricing, Terry’s products gained visibility and prominence in search results, capturing the attention of potential buyers.

Recognizing the popularity of Instagram® among his target audience, Terry leveraged this platform as an additional sales channel. The highly effective ad targeting capabilities of Instagram® allowed Terry to reach and engage with consumers who were already interested in and enjoying similar snack products. This strategic approach yielded quick and promising results, with Terry witnessing rapid profitability within just three months, generating a monthly profit of $4,000.

Buoyed by his initial success, Terry wisely chose to increase his advertising spend gradually. This strategic decision further propelled his profits, resulting in a remarkable growth trajectory. Within a short span of six months, Terry’s monthly profits soared to an impressive $15,000. By meticulously optimizing his advertising strategies across Amazon®, Instagram®, and Walmart®, Terry capitalized on the immense potential of these sales channels, effectively reaching his target audience and driving substantial profits of $140,000 in one year’s time.

Terry’s story serves as a testament to the power of leveraging popular sales platforms and employing targeted advertising techniques in the snack industry. His strategic approach not only enabled him to generate impressive profits but also solidified his brand presence and built a loyal customer base. Terry’s success highlights the importance of selecting the right sales channels and utilizing effective marketing strategies to unlock the full potential of a snack dropshipping store.

Why Unified® has been invaluable, enabling my cash flow positive store and providing a $30K loan for reinvestment, all without touching profits. Their proven strategy and unwavering support surpass expectations. After past disappointments, I wholeheartedly recommend Why Unified® as the epitome of reliability and expertise. Their dedication, comprehensive assistance, and financial support set them apart. With Why Unified®, I have a trustworthy partner committed to my growth and prosperity.


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Find out why the products
promoted more sales for Terry.

Terry’s snack store thrived by specializing in a thoughtfully curated collection of snack products that catered to the everyday cravings of customers. These snacks garnered a loyal following, with shoppers discovering that once they found a snack they enjoyed, there was no reason to look elsewhere. Terry’s store became a trusted destination for snack enthusiasts seeking delicious and satisfying treats.

One of the key factors that drew customers to Terry’s store was the significant cost savings they could enjoy compared to traditional retail prices. On average, customers saved over $100 per month or more by purchasing from his store, a substantial benefit for budget-conscious individuals. The value proposition of affordable yet tasty snacks proved irresistible, fostering customer loyalty and repeat business.

Terry’s high repeat purchase rate of 74% reflected the addictive nature of the snacks he offered. As these treats were consumed and craved regularly, customers found themselves repeatedly returning to Terry’s store to fulfill their ongoing snacking needs. The combination of cost savings, snack reliability, and convenience made Terry’s store a go-to destination for individuals seeking to satisfy their snack cravings.

In summary, Terry’s snack store excelled by offering a meticulously curated selection of delicious snack products. The combination of a loyal customer following, significant cost savings, and the addictive nature of the snacks resulted in a high repeat purchase rate. Terry’s store not only provided an affordable alternative to retail prices but also fostered trust, reliability, and expertise in the snack industry, creating a compelling value proposition that resonated with his target audience.

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